Tips For Frying Eggplant

Get the most water out of the eggplants Why you ask? Salt draws out excess moisture in the eggplant. The eggplant gives a stronger flavor with less water. How do you remove it? In order to get the water out of the eggplants you need salt. The easiest way I tackle this is by slicing... Continue Reading →

Best Ways to Prune Tomatoes

Removing Suckers The "V" in between the main stem and the branches is known as a sucker. Pruning the suckers help prevent the plant from overcrowding as well as allowing the plant to produce more fruit and less foliage. Cutting Back Bottom Leaves Removing the leaves at the base of the plant (about 12 inches)... Continue Reading →

Determining The Best Soil To Use

Soil choice is one of the biggest decisions a gardener has to make when starting a garden. Of the course the process isn't easy because every store you may go into has hundreds of different brands, types, and size. So where do you start? What are you planting? The first determination to soil type is... Continue Reading →

How To Make The Best Cherry Smoothie Bowl

Toppings1 Coconut flakes, unsweetened 1 sliced banana 1 fresh blueberries 1 fresh cherries 1 cacao nibs / chocolate chips 1 almond butter Produce1/2 cup Cherries, frozen dark1/2 cup Raspberries, frozen 1/2 cup Blueberries, frozen1/2 cup Strawberries, frozen Dairy1 splash dairy free milk (almond, oat, coconut) Other1 scoop Orgain Protein Powder if you want a boost... Continue Reading →

All The Benefits of Carrot Juice

What You Need: 4 large carrots or 6–7 medium carrots 2 naval oranges, skins removed 1 lemon, skin removed 1-inch piece of fresh ginger Juicer Benefits: potassium several carotenoids vitamins A, C, and K eye health immune system strengthen skin I personally love carrot juice as it does not taste too "earthy" with the citrus additions. As a child... Continue Reading →

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