Baby Bok Choy

9 Cells of Baby Bok Choy

Was really craving those tender leaves of bok choy today.  I love sautéing it or using in stir fry!  Today I started 9 cells of bok choy.  This was my process:

The process 

For my seedling tray I used an egg carton which I cut the top off of.  I filled all 9 cells with Black Gold Seedling Mix.  Then I sprayed the soil with water to dampen it.  Then using my dibber (see below for photos), the greatest invention, I made holes in the center of each cell about 1/4” deep.  I then placed 1-2 seeds in each hole as I know bok choy is difficult to separate once the seedlings grow.  I didn’t want to have too many to try and separate.  I covered very lightly with soil.  I then sprayed water on the cells again with my spray bottle.  I covered with plastic until the seeds germinate.  Now the waiting game!

12/25/20: 4 days later

01/04/21: 2 weeks later

01/14/21: 3.5 weeks later

01/15/21: Transplanting

Today I transplanted my seedlings to 4 inch pots!  To the container mix I added worm castings and blood meal.  When eating the leaves of the vegetable plant you want added nitrogen to the plant.  

Blood meal:  Blood meal raises the level of nitrogen and helps plants grow more lush and green.

Earthworm Castings: Castings contain 4% to 5% more nitrogen than your average garden soil, but in a slow release form.  Worm castings make soil more absorbent and prevents soil from completely drying out.  Castings contain humic acid which aids plant nutrient absorption.

01/25/21: 1 month later

My bok choy plants are doing fantastic since the transplanting to larger pots.  They are looking beautiful and healthy and growing many leaves.  It was a success so far!  Here are some updated pictures!

02/16/21: 7 weeks later

My bok choy is doing so great! Moved the plants from under grow lights to a south facing window. Plants are doing fantastic and have been fertilized with liquid fertilizer twice so far and watered every 2-3 days.  Happy so

02/25/21: 8.5 weeks later

Massive! So incredibly proud of these! Give them liquid fertilizer every other watering and they are just doing incredible! Going to do cut and come again harvesting soon!

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